Il crash di Remy Metailler alla Taxco DH

Alla recente Taxco Downhill, Remy Metailler ha ottenuto un brillante 5° posto finale ma è stato anche vittima di una brutta caduta che gli ha procurato la frattura di una vertebra toracica, precisamente la T6. Di seguito il video che documenta la caduta:

Remy stava cercando di eseguire un backflip durante l’ultimo enorme salto quando qualcosa è andato storto e chiudendo il salto è atterrato male sulla ruota posteriore, cadendo rovinosamente.

Inizialmente credeva si trattasse di un semplice dolore muscolare ma successivamente un esame approfondito ha rivelato la frattura.

Ecco quanto ha dichiarato in un recente post su Facebook:

“Half a second after that shot I broke my back.”

“The past saturday, I flipped the last jump of Downhill Taxco and overshot a tiny bit. Just enough to take the biggest slam of my life, all on my back. I made a mistake and I landed like you never want to land.”

“The shock was horrible and I knew even before I bounced on the floor that I had broken a vertebra. I wanted to make sure I won’t move before doing X-rays. The doctors took care of me and told me it was just the muscles. At this point I was just so happy but I knew my body and that it was probably more than this. The pain was not bad. I walked and danced fine after they told me I was ok, without taking any drugs.”

“Yesterday I went to double check in Guadalajara before flying to France. Within two seconds the doctor saw I had cracked and compressed my T6. I was just walking, holding things, bending with no real struggle. My bones were not painful.”

“Now I am going to rest the bone, and then go back to the gym to get stronger and healthier than ever. I am so determined and motivated to work harder than ever.”