Nel maggio dello scorso anno Richie Rude fu trovato positivo ad un controllo antidoping in occasione della prova di Olargues, in Francia, dell’Enduro World Series. La notizia era venuta fuori solo a novembre, grazie ad un noto sito americano, e Rude in effetti è poi sparito dalle competizioni dovendo scontare una squalifica di 8 mesi.

Oggi, scontata la squalifica, Rude ha annunciato sul suo profilo Instagram l’imminente ritorno alle competizioni, che avverrà proprio in occasione della prossima prova dell’EWS in Italia. Nello stesso post, Rude spiega che all’epoca si trattò per lui di un’ingestione accidentale, essendosi trovato a corto di acqua e avendo quindi bevuto dalla borraccia di un altro atleta in gara.

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Good News Alert~ Thank you to everyone who has had my back for the last 8 months, family, friends, and sponsors. I would not be here today if it weren’t for you guys! You guys might be wondering, why am I thanking everyone? Well… I am super pumped to announce that I will be back racing in Italy for the next stop on the EWS calendar. Before I get back to racing I would like to fill everyone in on what has been going on in my world. Firstly, I would never do anything to harm this sport or jeopardize the result of another athlete or myself by cheating. Everyone works way too hard and a lot of sacrifices are made, I respect all my fellow competitors and love my fans and support system too much for that. So, in case some of you weren’t up to speed… Last year I had a doping infraction while racing in France. This whole thing was a shock to me. All in all it was accidental ingestion of the substance. I had run out of water and used someone else’s bottle as we climbed up to the start of another stage. Due to it being accidental and the French anti-doping authorities also seeing it in this light, my suspension was back dated to when I stopped racing last season, and now I am free continue the sport that I love. Im thankfully to be moving on from this. I hope this brings awareness and stands as a learning experience to others. Again, I want to say thank you to everyone who has stood by me and I look forward to seeing everyone at the races again soon! Scroll left for more -> @yeticycles @redbull @smithoptics @rynopower

Un post condiviso da Richie Rude (@richie_rude1) in data: